The article examines the prerequisites for the application and implementation of international experience in personnel management in Ukrainian enterprises. The purpose of writing this article is to confirm the need to apply international experience in personnel management in Ukrainian enterprises. The evaluation of countries and their suc-cess in the chosen topic was carried out in accordance with their individual economic indicators, as well as considered management systems and selected the most optimal for Ukrainian enterprises. The essence of "management" and "staff" concepts are defined. In writing the article different types of scientific research methods were used such as: compari-sons in order to identify and assess the variety of features that will be able to adapt to specific economic conditions; expert assessments to identify the features of management and its methods used by foreign countries to qualitatively form their own management methods at Ukrainian enterprises. Researches proves that it is advisable to use the experi-ence of management systems in American companies, which consider the employee as an individual and create many programs for self-improvement as well as in Japanese companies, which invest heavily in social sphere and special approaches to each employee. It is generalized that it is better to adapt the implementation of the acquired knowledge from the individual orientation of the personnel management system, create courses within enterprises for continuous training and improvement of employees to share experiences with colleagues and get a return in the form of positive results. It is expedient to form a corporate culture of enterprises, which should promote special relationships between staff and management as well as create a platform for a favorable business climate.
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