Keywords: hookah, tobacco, mixture, aerosol, nicotine, raw materials, recipe


The article examines the physico-chemical composition of hookah tobacco, which are important for cre-ating recipes, determining consumer characteristics and adapting modern technology for the production of hookah tobacco in relation to modern realities of the Ukrainian market. The component composition of the formed aerosol (nicotine, carbon monoxide), as well as carbonyl compounds as conditionally toxic substances of the gas phase is de-termined. As a result of research the optimum recipes of tobacco for a hookah with the improved consumer characteris-tics are developed and recommended. The technology of preparation of tobacco for a hookah with aromatizers is con-sidered. The possibility of using a mixture of glycerol with propylene glycol in any ratio with a propylene glycol content of not more than 20% due to the decrease in smoke density is shown. The results of organoleptic evaluation of hookah mixture made by experimental and industrial samples and aerosol are shown. The obtained data testify to the high con-sumer evaluation of the tested samples of Mandarin Orange hookah mixtures and the experimental sample of the hook-ah mixture based on tobacco raw materials of the American type Virginia, which received the maximum tasting evalua-tion. This is due to the porous structure of the leaf and the high content of carbohydrates in the original tobacco. The absence of negative signs of taste on the basis of tobacco-free hookah mixtures is proved. Hookah mixture based on mineral raw materials (steam stones) with the addition of nicotine produces an aerosol of medium density and weak aroma. Technological methods for reducing the nicotine content in the aerosol forming a hookah mixture, based on modeling its composition by regulating the quantitative content of raw tobacco. The results of research on the determi-nation of nicotine and establishing the dependence of its content in the aerosol of experimental samples of tobacco for hookah on the quantitative content of raw tobacco of different varieties are revealed. The direct dependence of the de-gree of nicotine content in the aerosol on its content in the tobacco raw material of the hookah mixture is shown. In samples with the maximum content of raw tobacco (30%), the nicotine content in the aerosol is significantly increased. The simulated multicomponent composition of tobacco products solves the difficult problem of reducing toxicity in the design of tobacco products. The dependence of the influence of the quantitative ratio of tobacco and vegetable raw materials (tea, medicinal herbs) on the consumer properties of hookah mixtures is revealed. It is determined that the replacement of part (not more than 20%) of tobacco raw materials with plant additives can reduce the toxicity of the aerosol, while maintaining the stability of consumer properties.


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