The article investigates the theoretical and applied bases of formation of innovative bases of cross - bor-der regions development. The aim of the article is to reveal the innovative foundations of the functioning of cross-border regions and identify the latest tools for financing cross-border cooperation. The study found that innovation is the basis for the development of cross-border regions and deepening their cooperation in science, technology, imple-mentation of cross-border programs and projects as well as "smart specialization strategies." It has been proven that border regions, which focus on innovation in their development, achieve a higher degree of cross-border cooperation, use the latest approaches to funding and instruments of the EU structural funds. It is noted that for innovative cross-border regions it is necessary: 1) high level of cross-border flows of knowledge and technologies, their coherence in the functional aspect; 2) cross-border cooperation in research, educational activities and the use of advanced innovative knowledge and technologies; 3) joint innovative products, services, technology transfer; 4) principles of co-financing and diversification of sources of financing of subjects and participants of innovation activity; 5) overcoming the barrier function of the border and the formation of joint cross-border innovation structures; 6) derogation from the legislation; 7) cultural, historical and ethnic kinship. It is noted that the innovation potential of the cross-border region is financed through instruments that can take the form of capital, quasi-capital, investment, loans, guarantees or other instruments to minimize risks, and if necessary, combined with grants. The key characteristics are formulated, the scope of use of such tools for financing cross-border innovations as "Pathfinder", "Accelerator", "Transition" is revealed. Further research should be aimed at developing methodological approaches to assessing the innovation potential of the cross-border region and ways to achieve modernization innovation breakthroughs.
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