Finding influential marketing tools and their impact on the formation of active customers buying behav-ior is becoming an urgent problem for many businesses. The article considers modern marketing tools to influence con-sumers behavior, reveals the principles of the Fishbein model application as well as the factors that confirm the motiva-tional factor of the need to purchase. The aim of the article is to study the social, economic and legal aspects of con-sumer behavior and the factors that determine the choice of a certain type of decision making to purchase goods and services. It is studied that the modern market of goods and services is developing quite dynamically, which requires titanic efforts from entrepreneurs to form and choose the target market segments. For potential consumers, an im-portant indicator of satisfaction of needs is the product offer, which today is quite diverse in terms of prices, brands and product groups. The lifelong dilemma for entrepreneurs is to find effective ways to motivate buyers to take a decision on buying particular goods. In today's world of advanced communications, marketers often resort to manipulation to en-courage the purchase of goods or services. However, this is always accompanied by legal aspects of consumer rights protection. It is determined that measuring the behavioral response of consumers and the application of marketing measures of sales promotion are crucial in shaping the forecast of trade enterprises sales activities. It is concluded that the implementation of consumer rights in the case of purchase of goods of improper quality at the codified level creates numerous conflicts and gaps, which, given the development of the modern market and the spread of relevant interna-tional trends in this area, should resolve all significant contemporary issues and errors.
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