Keywords: profession, economy, activities, vocational education, COVID-19 crisis, enterprise, entrepreneurship


This scientific article is the actualization of research of influence of factors on the development of voca-tional (technical) education in Lviv region, its role in the economic growth of entrepreneurship in the region. The spe-cialization of workers in Lviv region is formed by four types of economic activity – industry (23 %), trade (15,5 %), agriculture (9,6 %), information technology (7 %). The region is characterized by the powerful scientific potential, high level of education and developed scientific and educational infrastructure, but the level of integration of science, education and the real sector of the economy remains insufficient under quarantine restrictions. The regional labor market determines its conditions of entrepreneurship. There are more highly educated unemployed in employment cen-ters. Instead, workers will always find work. The construction industry is actively developing – residential and shopping centers, transport, freight and passenger transportation, agricultural complexes. The food and light industries are also in high demand for skilled workers. Insufficient efficiency of using scientific, technical and industrial innovation poten-tial of vocational (technical) education institutions of Lviv region is indicated by: reduction of funding for research and development work, which leads to the outflow of valuable qualified scientific and technical personnel abroad; lack of connection in the triad "education-production-market", when the specialties of graduates are focused on domestic en-terprises, and not a new labor market, where there are promising developments, which leads to their depreciation. The article considers the types of economic activity that shape the demand for professionals, their employment problems. The cook, confectioner, waiter, driver, wheel repairman, electric welder, cutter, hairdresser and stylist are in great demand among the professions. Businesses are interested in such people because they get well-trained professionals. Young people are very enterprising and often open their own businesses combining their knowledge and skills.


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