Based on the econometric methodology, this article analyses and estimates dependencies between the key parameters of the state's economic policy (including the institutional factor) and the system of criterion synthetic indi-cators determining the population's quality of life. The research aims at highlighting areas of improving the instruments for the assessment of the effectiveness of Ukraine's economic policy in the context of the criteria for estimating the pop-ulation's quality of life. The relevance of this issue is driven by the following fact - the analysis of the dynamics of the main indicators of the socio-economic development of Ukraine (2010-2020) as well as the quality of life indicators shows that despite the clear evidence of economic growth, unfortunately, one cannot observe the simultaneous im-provement of the key indicators of the Ukrainian population's quality of life. The aspiration to find an explanation of such status quo motivates us to look for the economic policy parameters that most significantly affect the Ukrainian population's quality of life. The results of testing the proposed approaches are represented by three analysed synthetic indicators: population quality, material well-being as well as the quality of the social sector. These results demonstrate that certain key characteristics of the economic policy of Ukraine can be considered as determinants of improving the Ukrainian population's quality of life.
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