Keywords: diplomacy, scientific diplomacy, scientific community, international economic relations


In today’s globally interconnected world diplomacy is undergoing significant change. The traditional ap-proach to diplomacy, which takes place exclusively between governments, is no longer sufficient to address transna-tional issues facing modern nations, from climate change to pandemics and wars. Interest in scientific diplomacy as a mechanism for responding to these transnational problems has developed over the last decade. Scientific diplomacy comes to the fore as the latest dimension of interstate relations. As the world’s challenges increasingly move beyond acceptable limits, researchers and innovators have formed international scientific coalitions to address global patholo-gies. Thus, along with the traditional methods of foreign diplomacy, new channels of influence and opportunities have opened up for states. Understanding how these channels affect global socio-economic outcomes is crucial for scholars interested in the still ambiguous structure and processes of global governance. There is a growing number of informal international associations, along with transgovernmental political networks and global public-political partnerships, that deal with highly specialized and technical issues of international politics and how they engage in scientific diplo-macy. In parallel with traditional diplomatic practice, the ability of science to build a coalition of support, lay the groundwork for conflict resolution, or build trust between nations is increasingly recognized. Science in its true form provides evidence-based information that does not stem from personal opinion or suspicion and does not depend on authority. The concept of scientific diplomacy has evolved to cover interactions at various levels, from government to international and non-state actors. Scientific diplomacy is the use of international scientific cooperation to promote communication and cooperation between peoples of different nations and to promote greater global peace, prosperity and stability. The article identifies the role of scientific diplomacy for the development of national and world science, its assistance in reducing tensions in the international political space, stabilizing economic ties around the world.


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