Keywords: motor vehicle, wholesale and retail trade, business entity


The automotive industry is at the epicenter of modern technologies, creates conditions for the development of a number of related sectors of the economy, actively promotes the development of high advanced technologies and the creation and further implementation of sophisticated end products such as cars with high added value. This area of activity also contributes to employment, makes large payments and contributions to the budgets of all levels. The article examines the current state of automotive trade. The subjective composition of wholesale and retail trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles, their repair, the number of people employed in this area are considered. The volumes of sold products and the effectiveness of economic entities in the wholesale and retail trade of motor vehicles and motorcycles as well as their servicing are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the market of new cars in Ukraine. The structure of the domestic primary market of passenger cars is identified. Factors influencing the state of the domestic market of motor vehicles are considered. Main problems of motor vehicles trade are investigated. It is determined that the reasons for the slowdown in the development of trade in new cars are low purchasing power of the population, which is increasingly focused on the segment of low-cost cars, lack of affordable lending mechanism as well as state policy of import liberalization for second hand cars. At the same time, the secondary car market is developing in Ukraine, which allows domestic car dealers to expand the service component of their business. The conclusion is made about the need for an active protectionist policy by the state in order to protect the interests of domestic autopro-ducers.


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