Keywords: personnel, personnel management, organizational and economic management mechanism, innovative development, concept of sustainable development, principles of personnel management


The article considers the need and features of enterprise personnel management based on the concept of sustainable development. The purpose of the article is to study problematic issues of personnel management on the basis of sustainable development as a component of the organizational and economic mechanism of innovative devel-opment of the enterprise. The organizational and economic mechanism of managing the innovative development of the enterprise is characterized as a system of organizational, resource, scientific-theoretical, methodological, legal, other constituent elements, forms and methods of their interaction, as well as a toolkit for the implementation of managerial decisions that ensure the process of innovative development of the enterprise. The expediency of considering the organ-izational and economic mechanism of enterprise management as one of the main elements of the system of adaptation of economic entities to the conditions of the external environment, aimed at ensuring the adaptation and sustainable de-velopment of enterprises during the period of economic transformation, has been proved. It is substantiated that the priority of the human factor in the conditions of the knowledge economy and innovative economy actualizes the use of the concept of sustainable development, which takes into account the ecological and social aspects of innovative devel-opment. The main principles of personnel management based on the concept of sustainable development are highlight-ed: development of human resources taking into account the long-term perspective, flexibility, empowerment of employ-ees, fair and equal opportunities, external partnership, care for employees, profitability. It has been proven that the implementation of the concept of sustainable development in the company's personnel management system will increase the level of professionalism, creativity, loyalty, and the ability of the company's personnel to self-develop, generate and implement innovations. Further research should be directed at the study of the peculiarities of the formation of the in-novative strategy of the enterprise in the conditions of the transformational economy based on the assessment of its innovative potential and the possibilities of its modernization.


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