Keywords: Internet communications, marketing, digital competencies, communication channels, social media


It has been stated that nowadays traditional marketing is not only being supplemented by Internet-marketing means, but in some cases is pushed out by the latter from the offline format. There are certain groups of goods and services for which the online format gains fundamental advantages over the means of traditional marketing and de facto creates new consumer values. It is emphasized that the economic efficiency of enterprises and organiza-tions trying to market their goods and services through Internet communications depends significantly on the digital skills of consumers. The types of Internet communications with the greatest prospects of being used in internet market-ing are characterized. The barriers to the development of digital marketing are identified. The role of users' digital skills in the development of Internet communications has been examined. The main digital competencies are character-ized, the level of information, communication competencies, life-skills, and digital content creation skills of Ukrainian consumers as well as the respondents' desires for basic and professional training courses in Internet communications have been analysed. The dependence of the share of the population using social networks on the age and education level is shown. The difference in a number of parameters characterizing consumer participation in Internet marketing communications in relation to the total population of Ukraine and those under the age of 18 has been revealed. The article shows possible ways to increase the effectiveness of online marketing communications, namely: improving the quality of online communication messages themselves and ways to deliver them to target consumer audiences; improv-ing the areas that ensure the successful completion of purchase-sale – shipping transactions, returns, settlements, risk accounting; enhancing the digital literacy of ordinary consumers towards proper perception of communication messag-es and more active participation in marketing internet communications.


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