Keywords: human capital, war, social vulnerability, poverty, migration, internally displaced persons, unemploy-ment, Ukraine, European integration


The study substantiates the relevance of important tasks of proactive policy of prevention and elimination of social vulnerability in Ukraine and abroad in the conditions of Russian-Ukrainian war, the implementation of which will preserve human capital as a prerequisite for the nation’s existence and resources for further economic recovery, social system and human potential. It was emphasized that overcoming the problems of social vulnerability of the popu-lation during the war will improve and accelerate the process of European integration, including motivating Europeans to include Ukraine, which is characterized by strong intellectual and human resources and human potential capable of stabilizing a number of systemic demographic and labor problems. The authors identify the tasks of developing a com-prehensive methodology for studying the social vulnerability of the population in terms of preserving human capital, analysis of the current state and trends of social vulnerability of the population of Ukraine, which highlights the need to monitor the state and structure of human resources including in the form of intensification of migration processes, study of the most acute needs of refugees, their interests and intentions and further development of effective mechanisms for their return. The approaches to developing the policy tools for reducing the social vulnerability of the population and preserving the human capital of Ukraine in the system of ensuring the support of the European integration aspirations of the country in the conditions of war are outlined. It is shown that the loss of human capital of Ukraine is largely due to exacerbation of existing and intensification of new systemic features of social vulnerability as a characteristic meas-ure of the problem of self-satisfaction and implementation of population rights due to limited resources or particularly difficult social conditions. Based on the analysis of the labor market of the Carpathian region of Ukraine and identify-ing a set of local risks and threats, among which the key is the distortion of regional labor markets, weakening the hu-man resources of the regions through «leaking» of intellectual resources, increasing the burden on social infrastruc-ture.


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