The article examines the theoretical aspects of the innovative development of enterprises in the service sector. The relevance of the research is determined, first of all, by the need to form and implement the definition of "innovative development of the service sector" in order to outline the possible direction of long term development of service sector enterprises. When writing, analytical methods were used to identify and work out the main definitions of the concept of "innovative development", and the method of scientific abstraction was used when developing a structural-logical model of service sector enterprises. In the materials of the article, attention is focused on studies of the etymology of the concept of "innovative development", the main aspects of innovative activity in the works of researchers of the cyclical development of economic systems are highlighted.It was determined that the formulation of the definitions of the studied category is dominated by a process approach with an emphasis on the permanent transition from the stages of the innovation process to the goals of innovation activity. Special attention is focused on identifying the features of innovative development of the service sector using the structural and logical scheme of service sector enterprises. It is noted that the implementation of innovative development in service sector enterprises is closely related to the introduction of technological innovations in order to improve the level of service provision, with the use of managerial and social innovations to ensure a high culture of service provision; from the introduction of financial innovations to ensure the multivariate possibilities of financing activities. The main components of service sector enterprises were studied and analyzed, the main characteristics of the service delivery system were highlighted, factors affecting the service culture were noted. It is proposed to use the definition of innovative development taking into account the peculiarities of the service sector in terms of quick response to consumer needs and a significant contribution to the formation of the country's GDP.
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