In the process of economic activity, the company's strategy must correspond to general transformations in the national economy, harmonize the influence of internal and external environment factors and the connections be-tween them. At the same time, the main goal of the strategy is effective management of enterprises. The information basis for making optimal managerial decisions in the process of managing economic activity is the scientifically based application of financial and managerial accounting systems. The technological process of accounting of production costs consists of certain elements of the process, without defining which it is impossible to create an effective cost ac-counting system. The article defines the elements of the technological process of accounting of production costs, which are important for the effective organization of accounting for production costs in combination with managerial ac-counting. Analysis of the elements of the technological process will allow to identify problematic accounting issues, i.e management personnel will be able to determine the sources of necessary information for managing the production process. Effective cost management is a priority in the activity of a business entity, and the choice of a method of ac-counting and cost management is the most important task. The purpose of this article is to study the elements of the technological process of operating costs accounting. After all, the transition to market relations dictates the main goal of a commercial enterprise - to maximize profit. All other goals directly depend on this. Cost management is a tool for the enterprise to achieve a high economic result. The company has the right to independently choose which methods of accounting and cost management to use, but we consider it most appropriate to combine them depending on the charac-teristics and goals achieved by the company. Thus, on the basis of the analysis of the state of methodological principles of cost accounting, relevant contradictions were identified and the organizational and methodological aspects of their elimination were revealed.
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