Keywords: innovative&technological activities, innovative project, advanced technologies, startup, information and communication technologies, digital transformation


The study emphasizes the relevance of the formation and implementation of state policy for the formation and development of high-tech startups in the field of information and communication technologies (hereinafter – ICT). Scientific views on the concept of «startup» are generalized. The specific characteristics of startups in comparison with other business entities are revealed. The author’s definition of the concept of startup as a separate business project implemented by the ICT sector and / or other economic activities, related to the creation, introduction and consolida-tion of a new high-tech ICT product (software or hardware, telecommunications equipment, etc.) ICT spectrum ser-vices), which meets fundamentally new needs, creates and develops new markets (market segments) is proposed. The conceptual characteristics of the role and purpose of organizational and economic principles of functioning of high-tech startups in the field of ICT are substantiated, in particular, groups of principles are determined: general; profes-sional and investment-attractive. The organizational and economic principles of functioning and development of high-tech startups in the field of ICT are determined. It is proved that the state policy of stimulating the development of high-tech ICT startups is a powerful factor in supporting and providing support for neo-industrialization and digital trans-formation, strengthening the technological competitiveness of the national economy, as it is a driver for biotechnology, genetic engineering, new types of energy and materials, space exploration, satellite communications, etc., ensures the formation of a single network of large and small companies connected by an electronic network based on the Internet, carrying out close cooperation in technology, product quality control, planning high-tech innovations. The thesis is developed that the state policy of development of high-tech startups in the field of ICT is an effective tool for stimulating investment and innovation development of the economy.


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