The scientific community has not yet formed a single definition of the concept of innovation. The specified term is often used in very broad terms, calling innovations any innovation that is to one degree or another connected with scientific and technical development, improvement of economic results and a certain transition from the old to the new, asserting that the main function of innovative activity is the function of change. Based on the fact, that today there is no single definition of the concept of "innovation", accordingly, such an economic value as innovation potential is multifaceted, and depending on different approaches, it can be evaluated differently. When evaluating the innovation potential of Lviv region, attention is focused on the share of realized innovative products (in the total volume of realized industrial products), the estimation of costs for the implementation of scientific research works and the number of sub-mitted applications for the issuance of patents and the number of issued patents. As a result of the conducted analysis, it was determined, that in recent years in the Lviv region the specific weight of the implemented innovative products in the total amount of implemented industrial products, despite the nationwide positive trend, had negative dynamics. The gross expenses for carrying out scientific research and development in Lviv region are only ~ 2.4% of the national ex-penses, however, in terms of the region, Lviv region can be considered the undisputed leader in terms of the studied indicator, since the gross expenses for carrying out scientific research and development in Lviv region make up 60-62% of these expenses in Western region as a whole. It is justified that scientific and technical activity, which includes scien-tific research and development, collection of scientific and technical information, testing and standardization, etc., is fundamental in the innovation process. The assessment of the innovation potential of the Lviv region shows that despite the negative trends regarding the specific weight of the implemented innovative products in the total volume of industrial products, which have been observed in recent years, the region is characterized by a rather high innovative potential, taking into account other indicators (expenditure on scientific research works and the number of submitted applications and received patents) occupies a worthy place in Ukraine, and actually leads in the Western region. It has been proven that the development of an effective strategy for innovative development of the region and its implementation is of un-deniable importance, which in turn requires ensuring the appropriate level of various resources in the innovation sphere and developing a high-quality management system for them.
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