Keywords: marketing management, trade enterprises, domestic and foreign trade, paradigm, value approach, war


Military actions on the territory of Ukraine caused an economic crisis, which caused a number of negative effects in the activities of wholesale and retail trade enterprises. Due to the aggressive war launched by Russia against Ukraine, about 30% of domestic enterprises almost or completely stopped their work, more than 18% of the state's population (mostly of working age) went abroad, and at the same time the share of citizens who lost their jobs in-creased by 30%. The level and nature of the problems faced by domestic trade enterprises during the war turned out to be unprecedented. The purpose of the article was to study a number of current problems and to determine directions for improving the marketing management strategies of domestic trade enterprises in the conditions of the economic crisis provoked by the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. In the modern sense, marketing man-agement in the field of trade can be considered as the process of managing all the main areas of activity of a trading enterprise with the aim of achieving the necessary rates of development, ensuring the competitive advantages of the enterprise and its products on the market, expanding this market by increasing the number of buyers, finding new mar-ket niches, ensuring the planned profitability of trading activities, etc. In various literary sources, scientists consider such concepts as "trade management" and "trade marketing". These concepts are closely related, but they should not be equated. Within the framework of the marketing management paradigm, considered by the authors, it is proposed to implement a value approach at domestic trade enterprises, based on the combination of common values of the trade enterprise and buyers of its goods in practice. Due to the impossibility of predicting the directions of market develop-ment in the modern realities of war, the importance of marketing research of the market situation and forecasting its changes in the near future for trading companies will grow, and the unstable situation in the domestic consumer market actualizes the need for constant accumulation and analysis of high-quality marketing information. In order to achieve the expected level of profitability in the conditions of the crisis caused by the war, the management of trade enterprises is suggested to pay more attention to the problems of motivation and encouragement of trade personnel.


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