The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of the international logistics system, the current state and problems of its implementation of the main tasks of logistical support of foreign trade operations of foreign trade entities, as well as formulating some recommendations regarding the transformation of the specified system and increasing the efficiency of the carried out logistics processes set. The relevance of the study of international trade de-velopment processes in the context of modern world economic trends and the place and role of international logistics in ensuring the implementation of foreign economic activities of Ukrainian enterprises is substantiated. An essential and logical analysis of the basic terms "international logistics", "logistics", "international logistics system" was carried out. Based on the analysis of the publications of various authors, the ambiguity and contradiction of the approaches to the interpretation of the term "international logistics" in the special literature have been determined. The expediency of interpreting international logistics from the standpoint of interpreting it as a mix of economic activities associated with regular (over a long period of time), systematic, organized (on the basis of contractual agreement - international con-tracts, agreements of foreign trade entities) implementation of processes of spatial and temporal movement of substan-tiated material and other logistics flows related to them, provided they cross national borders. The existence of the category "international logistics system" has been proven and its essence at the micro- and macro-economic level has been determined. The current state and problems of functioning of the international logistics macroeconomic system in Ukraine, caused by the influence of extreme factors, the main of which are pandemic restrictions in the economy and the military actions of the Russian Federation with the subsequent occupation of a large part of the territory of Ukraine are analyzed. Separate measures to solve the problems of international logistics in Ukraine and the transformation of the international logistics system in accordance with the current requirements of international trade restoration are proposed.
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