The importance of the study of logistics activity with the aim of forming an optimal and high-quality set of its indicators and determining its place in the management hierarchy of the enterprise has been revealed. The essence of logistics activity as a tool of optimizing managerial functions important for the enterprise is revealed. The interpretation of the category "logistics activity of the enterprise" in the works of domestic and foreign scientists with the systematization of various approaches to its definition in the following directions: functional, procedural, systemic is considered. Emphasis is placed on functional and systemic approaches to the interpretation of logistic activity, which consider it as a system of subsystems connected by a generalized goal that is interconnected with the functioning of a successful logistics process. The definition of logistics activity is formulated as a practical embodiment of the key functions and tasks of logistics, the process of forecasting and a complex of solutions, the functioning of the system of interconnected subjects of economic flows to ensure the management of the achievement of the basic goals of the organization based on the minimization of resource costs. The scope of application of logistics is established to ensure high competitiveness of products and services through cost optimization. The reasons that hold back the development of logistics in Ukraine and ways to overcome them have been studied. The evaluation indicators of the logistics system of the enterprise, which characterize the efficiency, reliability and flexibility of its functioning, are considered. Logistics activity in the management system is characterized by three processes - supply, production and sales. The principles of logistics management are defined as important components for ensuring the efficiency of the enterprise, taking into account its specificities. The advantages and disadvantages of logistics activity are revealed, with the main aspects to improve the company's activity and increase its profitability. The conditions for the organization and implementation of logistics management are defined, under which the company's performance indicators increase and its competitive position improves.
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