The article examined the model of diagnostics in the system of strategic management of the educational industry. The importance of diagnostics for the strategic management of the educational industry was analyzed. The basic diagnostic functions in the system of strategic management of the educational sector were listed. Instrumental provision of basic diagnostic functions in the system of strategic management of the educational sector was illustrated. Reasonable results provided by the evaluation function of diagnostics in the system of strategic management of the educational sector were presented. The results provided by the diagnostic function in the system of strategic management of the educational sector were also listed. The main results of the recommendation function in the system of strategic management of the educational sector were highlighted. The main factors that influenced the creation of objective conditions that became prerequisites for the emergence of problems were determined. The diagnostic model in the system of strategic management of the educational sector was illustrated. The main factors providing diagnostics in the system of strategic management of the educational sector were listed. The main types of models that allow structuring and identifying relationships between basic and indirect parameters or indicators were analyzed. It was investigated what the effectiveness of the functioning of the educational sector depends on. The main purpose of diagnostics of the system of strategic management of the educational sector was singled out. The main consequences of detailed planning, modeling and constant control of the diagnostic process of the strategic management system of the educational sector were determined. The interrelated stages that make up the diagnosis of the system of strategic management of the educational sector were listed. The main opportunities provided by the comprehensive nature of diagnostics of the strategic management system in the educational sector were determined. The reasons that lead to the use of diagnostics in the intra-industry environment were identified. The ultimate goal of comprehensive diagnostics was considered. Conclusions were made regarding the diagnostic model in the system of strategic management of the educational sector, its main purpose and importance.
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