Keywords: managerial accounting, business process, information resources, information, management, business


Managerial accounting, in a broad sense, is a separate subsystem for obtaining information based on the needs of operational management. Managerial accounting is not only a system of collecting and analyzing information about costs and revenues in terms of individual products of structural units of the enterprise in monetary terms, but also, most importantly, in physical natural indicators, which requires the organization of budgeting, rationing, analysis and evaluation of the activities of the enterprise's divisions. So, managerial accounting is characterized to a greater extent by managerial rather than traditional accounting technologies. Managerial accounting is considered as a system of collecting and interpreting information about production costs, that is an extended system of accounting organization for the purposes of controlling the formation of the cost of products in the process of the technological chain of creating additional value of the enterprise. In Ukrainian practice, managerial accounting is most often considered as an appen-dix to financial accounting, which is focused on the issues of calculating the cost of production in monetary terms, and not as a subsystem of information on the efficiency of economic activities of production, sales and operational man-agement. Managerial accounting is designed to obtain information in a systematic manner in real time for operational management personnel, which it uses as a means of control, adjustment and rational use of production factors. The purpose of such information is the timely correction of deviations from the established technological regulations and the search for reserves for reducing the cost of production due to the norms of resource consumption, prices for their purchase, improvement of work organization, use of labor tools, etc. Information can be used for planning, rationing, budgeting, control and analysis of production and sales processes. The organization of managerial accounting becomes an urgent need not only as a source of relevant and reliable information, but also as a tool for the formation of econom-ic policy, a mechanism for business improvement and cost management.


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