The development of the world economy is characterized by the significant use of information and commu-nication technologies, computerization of all spheres of human activity. On this basis, the processes of globalization are strengthened, a continuous information and innovation flow is forming, and the information space is developing. There is a process of transition from the economics of material goods, the economics of relations to the economics of man-agement, services and knowledge. The development of information and communication technologies is one of the stra-tegic directions of the modernization of the economy. Scientists directly connect innovative activity with the post-industrial stage of society's development and the development of information and communication technologies based on the exchange of knowledge that replaced industrial technologies. In this regard, the methodological foundations of the ideology of the development of the information society were considered, the use of information technologies in Ukraine was analyzed, and the factors of the development of the domestic IT sector were identified. It is determined that the digital divide between the countries - the new leaders in technological power and the outsiders within the modern world economic order is growing faster than the economic lag that currently dominates between developed and developing countries. The extremely negative thing is that the information gap between economies based on knowledge and in-formatization and countries not integrated into this process will rapidly and dynamically increase, and it will become almost impossible to overcome it. It was concluded that the ideology of the information society should be subordinated to the transformations that in the future will be able to lead our society to the path of innovative development. It should be aimed at building information and innovation infrastructure, modernizing society with effective use of IT education.
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