Keywords: ecological tourism, rural areas, state policy, European experience, balanced nature management


The article substantiates that in the modern conditions of global development of society and excessive an-thropogenic load on the surrounding natural environment, the development of ecological tourism becomes relevant. Over the past few years, a number of tourism trends have emerged in Ukraine, such as ecotourism, the ultimate goal of which is to preserve and reproduce the environment. The study of domestic and foreign literary sources made it possi-ble to define ecological tourism as any form of tourism that uses ecological management methods and is oriented to-wards nature conservation. Ecological tourism is a unique alternative to traditional commercial mass tourism and con-tributes to the socio-economic development of rural areas. At the same time, examples of risks from tourist activities for the natural environment are singled out. It has been proven that ecological tourism has gained wide popularity in the countries of the European Union and is gradually starting to develop in Ukraine. Examples of the state policy for the development of ecological tourism, which must be used in Ukraine, are highlighted. European experience proves that ecotourism contributes to: preservation of biodiversity; supports the welfare of the local population; involves responsi-ble actions on the part of the tourist and the tourism industry; promotes the development of small and medium-sized tourist businesses; requires minimal consumption of natural resources; emphasizes local participation. It has been proven that taking into account the European experience of the state policy of the development of ecological tourism in both the ecological and economic aspects will provide an opportunity to ensure the balanced development of tourism in Ukraine and the protection of the natural environment from excessive anthropogenic load.


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