Keywords: innovation, potential, enterprise, guidelines, managerial tools, Ukraine, globalization


Strengthening of globalization processes in the national economy, development of the capital market, economy’s digitalization and intellectualization and dissemination of new technologies in all spheres of society stimu-late the development of innovative potential at different levels (international, national, regional, industrial, business units). The focus of the formation of a new paradigm of entrepreneurship development based on innovation actualized the need to develop managerial decisions on the diffusion of innovations and technologies into the organizational and economic system for ensuring the sustainable progress of units. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the strate-gic priorities of the state policy of implementation the potential of innovative development of enterprises in Ukraine, to argue the managerial tools for its implementation. The study substantiates the measures of state policy of implementa-tion the potential of innovative development of units in Ukraine, which are differentiated by strategic guidelines and targets and results of regulation. The phasing of strategic planning, which is based on the identification of modern con-sequences-challenges of global competition for the country’s economy, the definition and factors-reasons for the unpre-paredness of the economy for competition in the conditions of rapid intensification of innovative advancement and the information economy, justification and strategic priorities of technologization of the economy (qualitative aspect); stra-tegic changes of a quantitative nature; institutionalization and strategic goal of public policy as a criterion for control-ling its effectiveness. The proposed author’s approach to building strategic priorities of the state policy of implementa-tion the potential of innovative development of enterprises in Ukraine allows us to coordinate the tasks of policy strate-gy with modern globalization trends and challenges, as well as internal capabilities.


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