• В. С. Вергун Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • О. V. Tsvek Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • R. M. Voronko Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: cost of production, cost accounting methods, calculation methods, product cost calculation, non-order costing, process by process costing, general costing method,


The expediency of a rational approach to the selection of cost accounting methods and product costing to ensure effective management of enterprise’s costs is substantiated. The cost of production is considered as an important indicator of production efficiency and a tool for achieving the main goal of the enterprise. Levels of product cost regu-lation are determined. The main elements of the accounting policy regarding cost accounting and the importance of making informed decisions about the choice of cost accounting methods during its formation are revealed. The charac-teristics of the classification of the cost of production and the definition of its individual types are considered. The views of various scientists regarding the interpretation of the content and the purpose of cost accounting methods and meth-ods of calculating the cost of production, their differences and interrelationships were studied. It was concluded that cost accounting methods and calculation methods are interrelated accounting categories that use their own tools and techniques for collecting and summarizing cost data for management needs, calculating the actual cost of production and controlling the process of its formation. The essence and purpose of product cost calculation is revealed. The main principles of cost calculation development are defined. The characteristics of the main articles of product cost calcula-tion are considered, depending on the features of the technological process of manufacturing products and the costs that accompany it. Costing objects related to technologies and types of products have been determined. The main clas-sification features of the division of production costing methods are considered. The characteristics of the main meth-ods of cost calculation and the possibility of applying the methods of non-language and post-process cost calculation are given. The factors affecting the choice of methods of calculating the cost of production at the enterprise are high-lighted. The expediency of using the "coverage amount" method in the conditions of a market economy is argued. Em-phasis is placed on the advantages and disadvantages of cost accounting and full and partial cost accounting systems, common and distinctive features of both cost accounting and cost calculation systems are identified. The peculiarities and scope of application of the method of accounting and calculation based on regulatory costs are considered. The directions of further scientific research aimed at the economic substantiation of the choice of one or another method of cost accounting and calculation of the products (works, services) cost have been determined.


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