Keywords: corporate systems, trade enterprises, diversification, retail, trade


The purpose of the article is to study the key trends in the domestic practice of the development of corpo-rate systems in trade, the analysis of the practices of diversification of their activities. The article examines the key trends in the development of trade enterprises, the domestic practice of developing corporate systems in the field of trade as well as the experience of diversifying their activities. The article analyzed the characteristics of the volume of activity of trading enterprises of Ukraine in the periods 2010, 2012-2020. It was found that the change in the indicator of the number of employed workers at trading enterprises is hyperbolic in nature, and the number of trade enterprises has a relatively stable downward trend, which can be considered a positive prerequisite for the implementation of pro-jects on their corporatization in various formats. The dynamics of fluctuations in the volume of retail space were ana-lyzed, which indicates an increase in the efficiency of trade enterprises and their investment attractiveness. The dynam-ics of the volume of turnover and profitability from the point of view of prospects for the introduction of diversification processes were studied. The article presents five key trends in the formation and development of domestic corporate systems in trade formed by the authors. It was determined that the main trend in the formation of corporate structures in trade is the classic type of business corporatization, namely the creation of joint-stock companies. The trend of crea-tion of other economic companies with cross-shareholding in the authorized capital is characterized.The development of contractual vertically and horizontally integrated corporate structures through the cooperative and franchise type is studied. The article determines that the trends of creating clusters and the spread of corporate relations through the creation and participation in business associations are declining in modern conditions. A generalization of the results of research on the issues of the development of the formation of corporate systems and structures in trade through the prism of various diversification practices is presented. It was determined that the identification of features and prob-lematic aspects regarding the creation of corporate systems in trade with a projection on business diversification is a further subject for research.


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