Keywords: economic analysis, theory, methodology, subject, object, stakeholders


The article is devoted to the definition of the main directions of the development of economic analysis in the context of improving its theoretical and methodological construction as the basis for the formation of its new para-digm. It is proved that the importance of the formation of a new paradigm of economic analysis is due to the need to take into account the modern realities of the management of domestic enterprises, first of all, the russian war in Ukraine and the strengthening of European integration processes, and it involves a revision of its theoretical and meth-odological provisions. The current extreme conditions in which domestic enterprises operate are defined as well as the growing role of economic analysis in ensuring the functioning and further development of business entities is empha-sized. Clarification of the essence of economic analysis, taking into account modern realities, is proposed. It was de-termined that the development of economic analysis should fully satisfy the needs of practice and requests of a wide range of stakeholders. The expediency of development and practical application of institutional, GAP analysis and business analysis is argued. The essence and characteristic features of business analysis, the theoretical basis of which is formed by the stakeholder approach, are revealed. The conducted research allows us to state that the transformation and dynamism and uncertainty of political, economic and social phenomena and processes; full-scale war in Ukraine led to drastic changes in the business conditions of domestic enterprises. The expediency of expanding the object area of economic analysis by including to it, along with economic, ecological and social phenomena and processes, as well as business processes and business models, is substantiated. The need to improve the quality of analytical training of economic profile specialists is emphasized as one of the areas of development of economic analysis, as a science and professional activity.


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