Emphasis is placed on the priority importance of labor motivation at enterprises through the satisfaction of personnel needs. The results of the latest research and publications of domestic scientists are highlighted, which prove the importance of taking into account a number of factors when organizing and improving labor motivation. The structure of interrelationships of the main categories of labor motivation of the company's personnel, correlated with their needs and expected results from its improvement, was formed. A number of groups of incentives are highlighted, which are actively used by enterprises to ensure labor motivation. At the same time, most of them acquire material and immaterial form. Priority is given to methods of non-material stimulation of labor, which are divided into social, moral, creative and psychological. Emphasis is placed on the positive and negative consequences of labor motivation, which are mainly determined by the interests of the staff. According to such conclusions, the interests of the staff are divided into individual, collective and public interests. The priority value of individual interests, and therefore such incentives in improving labor motivation, has been proven. It is proposed to divide the system of needs of the company's personnel into aggregate (take into account the total set of main incentives and motives) and secondary (determine social needs, needs for respect, self-expression) needs. It was concluded that the dialectical unity of material and non-material incen-tives should be based on relationships between different groups of needs and interests. The priorities of state admin-istration bodies in providing assistance (organizational, institutional, economic and other) to enterprises in improving labor motivation are emphasized. The need for enterprises in the context of labor motivation to achieve a certain social effect has been proven, which allows, according to world experience, to significantly increase labor productivity and efficiency. A significant part of the study is devoted to the problems of the social responsibility of the enterprise, through which it is possible to solve a number of strategic tasks, both to ensure the effectiveness of labor motivation and to improve business activity, partnership relations as well as the economic results of the enterprise.
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