Keywords: integrated accounting system, managerial accounting, strategic accounting, creative approach, tax accounting, controlling


The article is devoted to the actual problems of building an integrated accounting system of an electric power company-operator of the distribution system. The purpose of the article is to research the structure of the inte-grated accounting system of the electric power company-operator of the distribution system and to develop proposals regarding its components. The state of integration processes in the accounting system of the enterprise is considered. In the course of the study, it was determibned that the focus of managerial accounting on internal consumers determines its place and necessity in the integrated accounting system of the OSR. It was revealed that long-term plans require managerial decisions of a strategic nature and appropriate information support with reporting information, which de-termines the need for strategic accounting as a component of the integrated system of OSR. The need to integrate finan-cial and tax accounting into the information system of the enterprise is determined by the need to form information about the correctness of calculation and timeliness of tax payment, which is related to the economic security of the business entity. It has been proven that despite the negative opinions of scientists regarding creative accounting, a crea-tive approach is appropriate for OSR, since in modern economic conditions, the accounting system must provide stake-holders with any useful information that characterizes the operational, investment, and financial information of the enterprise. It was determined that controlling is expedient for OSR in the context of improving the information support of enterprise, profit management and its distribution to finance the development of the distribution system. The struc-ture of the OSR accounting system is proposed. It is expedient to develop the OSR accounting system based on the synergistic concept of information theory. Further development is possible due to the implementation of other types of accounting depending on the needs of users of accounting information.


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