Keywords: food security, agro-industrial market, inter-sectoral and institutional coordination, infrastructure, supply chains, investment monitoring indicators


The article is devoted to the search for ways to ensure food security of Ukraine by means of recovering the full functioning of the agro-industrial market. Combat operations, indiscriminate attacks by the enemy and the tem-porary occupation of a significant territory of Ukraine led to the loss of income of market entities, disruptions in supply chains, restrictions or termination of the activities of retail operators and distributors, and an increase in the price of food products. The recovery of the agro-industrial market will require inter-sectoral and institutional coordination of efforts in cooperation with relevant ministries and international partners, which determines the urgency of solving the problem of food security of Ukraine in the conditions of war and post-war recovery. Systematization of the risks of the functioning of the agro-industrial market in Ukraine was carried out, which made it possible to single out institutional, price, logistical and humanitarian risks. In order to identify existing and potential threats to food security in the condi-tions of war, regular monitoring of fluctuations and functionality of the domestic agro-industrial market is proposed, taking into account the spatial heterogeneity of the affected regions. The study of the level of losses of the agro-industrial market is proposed to be supplemented with an analysis of changes in economic flows, including lost produc-tion volumes and incomes along the entire food supply chain. For short- and medium-term planning of market recon-struction, the author's method of scenario modeling using counterfactual comparison is proposed. Indicators of invest-ment monitoring of food safety have been developed, formed on the basis of adaptation of the criteria defined by the current legislation. In the investment plans of post-war reconstruction, it is recommended to include the needs for reha-bilitation investments aimed at supporting households in rural areas in order to ensure food security of the population, maintaining the liquidity of activities and access to financial resources, demining territories. It is advisable to focus further research on the problems of creating opportunities for the supply of the most important agro-industrial re-sources, diversification of agro-industrial enterprises and preservation of the ecosystem of Ukraine.


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