The article considers the place and role of quality in the processes of forming a global system of meeting the needs of consumer society and consumer protection. the quality problem is so multifaceted and complex that it can-not be solved at the level of a single enterprise. It is necessary to unite efforts, establish partnerships between enterpris-es and organizations, spread quality management methods to higher levels of management – municipal, regional, na-tional, international and global. But within countries the quality of products or services is determined primarily by the level of economic freedom and the system of incentives for producers. It is shown that under the command economy there was a constant shortage of certain goods demanded by consumers, which at the same time negatively affected the quality of life. Consumers were completely deprived of choice. As a result, in the absence of consumer choice, goods and services were consumed regardless of their quality. This structural drawback of the command economy is at the same time the main fundamental difference from the free market economy. The system of the CSUJP was considered, the main purpose of which was to ensure constant compliance of the quality of developed and manufactured products with the needs of the national economy, consumers, exports and systematic increase of the efficiency of social produc-tion on this basis. Despite the wide development of the systematic approach, it was not possible to solve the main prob-lem - improving the quality of consumer goods. This paradox can be explained by the fact that quality management systems solved mainly organizational issues, contributed to the improvement of enterprise management. The systems did not carry out technical management, did not affect the technical indicators of product quality - reliability, durabil-ity, maintainability, safety, ergonomics, aesthetics, manufacturability, etc. It was possible to influence these indicators (and hence improve the quality of products) in the conditions of the administrative-command system only in one way - to normalize these indicators in the state standards that are mandatory for implementation. The conclusion is made that it is expedient to combine the basic concepts of entrepreneurship as a tool for obtaining a certain result of activity (for example, production) and the socio-psychological aspect, which is expressed in the influence of the human consumer factor on the result obtained. In this form, quality management appears as a set of functions that usually constitute the management cycle, in particular motivation, control, organization of work, etc.
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