The article investigates topical issues related to the management of domestic enterprises during the war. The purpose of the article is to analyze the main risks of enterprises in war conditions, to determine the prospects and features of the application of anti-crisis management methods. In the course of the study, it was determined that the features of management in war conditions are the application of a situational approach to managerial decision-making, taking into account drastic changes in the external and internal environment, the territory of location and the specifics of the enterprises' activities. Management in wartime requires a high level of professionalism, creativity and flexibility from managers to make managerial decisions taking into account military specifics. It was found that the active use of crisis management tools by managers during the pandemic COVID-19 gave them invaluable work experience and prac-tice in solving problems in crisis conditions. Managers of such enterprises are able to respond to the challenges of war more quickly, unconventionally and prudently as well as to conduct the management process more skillfully. It is proved that the primary task of anti-crisis management in the conditions of war is the preservation of professional per-sonnel, their physical and psychological qualities. To prevent the loss of business due to demolition and destruction in the territories where active hostilities are taking place, the correct solution is the relocation of enterprises to safer re-gions of the country. The growth of corruption risks of enterprises, risks of looting and theft of property, especially at enterprises located in the temporarily occupied territories, has been revealed during the war. It was found that one of the tools to solve the above problems is compliance control, which helps enterprises to comply with the law, business ethics, transparency and openness of business. To restore business, overcome the problems and damage caused by the war, enterprises need the support of the Government, which is implemented in the form of various government pro-grams. It is concluded that in the conditions of war it is expedient to apply a situational approach in managerial deci-sions making, which makes it possible to creatively and individually approach the solution of each crisis situation in particular, based on the knowledge, experience and professional intuition of managers. Further research could be di-rected at analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of the use of individual anti-crisis management tools in the post-war period.
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