An analysis of research on the diagnosis of the foreign economic activity of the enterprise was carried out, where the most effective methods were identified as non-contact analytical research, expert summarization of as-sessments and information, dynamic and linear programming; the informative role of etiological diagnostics, which determines and quantitatively evaluates the priority factors of influence on the resulting indicators of the enterprise's export-import activity, is considered in order to build appropriate models of influence; the methodology of the compre-hensive diagnosis of the enterprise was presented taking into account the variability of the modern market, the method-ology involves conducting research and analysis of quantitative (indicator of liquidity of enterprise assets, indicator of financial stability of the enterprise, indicator of turnover of enterprise assets, indicator of profitability of the enterprise) and qualitative indicators (dynamics of the economic state, influence of external political and military factors, stage of the life cycle of the enterprise, tax regulation, professional abilities of management, availability of sources for invest-ments, risk factors); the importance of conducting the foreign economic activity of the enterprise on the basis of block evaluations and indicators was considered; indicators the diagnosis of foreign economic activity were calculated for a separate enterprise taking into account risk factors, where it was determined that the level of risk in the conditions of martial law is the highest in all directions of foreign economic activity, and the lowest in the stable direction - in the production activity, in the growing direction - in the operational activity and in general direction – in production and commercial activity; the mechanism optimization the diagnosis of foreign economic activity was presented enterprises taking into account risk factors, the mechanism includes the assessment of the quality of the source information, the assessment of the risk factors of the enterprise's foreign economic activity, the ranking of diagnostic objects and the adaptation of the enterprise's economic activity to risk. It was concluded that in the complex modern conditions of the presence of a small amount of information on the foreign economic activity of the enterprise, there is a need to find justified decisions based on the timely processing of initial data, which can be achieved thanks to the use of a formal-ized approach, taking into account risk factors, which provides the opportunity to make appropriate decisions using mathematical models and methods of their solution.
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