Modern global risks and threats actualize and accelerate the processes of digital transformation of the economy and society. Effective use of digital economy tools is a means of ensuring information security and stability of the state and business entities. Digitization is a tool for economic growth by increasing efficiency, productivity and competitiveness. The main task of the article is to study the current state, problematic aspects and prospects for the development of the administration of financial and tax reporting of economic entities in the conditions of digitalization of the Ukrainian economy. The article substantiates the necessity of using digital and cloud technologies in the field of accounting and reporting; the main components of the digital economy are structured and the goals of digital economic development are highlighted. Digital platforms aimed at conducting business and its service (electronic document flow, accounting, analytics, reporting, control) are considered. The main advantages of electronic document management systems have been formed and its main services in Ukraine have been characterized. The organizational principles of electronic administration of the taxonomy of financial reporting in the UA XBRL format and tax reporting of economic entities are considered. XBRL is a flexible technology designed for efficient exchange of financial information between various interested users with the possibility of application in any country of the world regardless of the language of submission. The main modern services of electronic administration of enterprise reporting in Ukraine are character-ized. It was concluded that digitization focuses on international, European and regional cooperation with the aim of integrating Ukraine into the EU, entering the European and world markets with the help of modern new technological solutions, opportunities, and global informatization.
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