Keywords: strategy, development, national economy, economic policy


The article highlights the importance of identifying the theoretical and methodological provisions of the strategy for the development of the state economy. A number of scientific studies have been analyzed on the meaning of the “strategy” and “development”. It is noted that the concept of “strategy” is widely used in the economic, institu-tional, political, military spheres. The concept of “development” is described in the context of philosophical, socio-economic, strategic, factor, adaptive approaches. The results were used to determine the theoretical and substantive characteristics of the strategy of the state economy development. It is concluded that the strategy of development of the state economy is mainly considered as the main direction and way of achievement of goals, the way of interaction, the instrument of functioning and expansion, the procedure of development, the multidimensional character of functioning, the basis of ability, the means of integration, a condition for change, an element of strategic management, a factor of stabilization, a prerequisite for the development of the state economy. It was stressed that the strategy of development of the state economy should consider implementation of measures that can be different, but they are combined with the aim of intensification of the most important factors of economic growth. The goal of state economic policy as a constant action of the state for the economic recovery from the systemic crisis with further stabilization of the social situation, provision of investment growth and favorable economic conditions, realization of more effective model of innovation activity design, ensuring national security, stability, social balance. The parameters of achievement of the goal of de-velopment strategy and state policy are provided by ensuring economic sovereignty, strengthening economic security, increasing international competitiveness, increasing stability of the financial system, reducing the import dependence of the economy, improving the investment attractiveness of the state, increasing the innovation and technological level of the economy, ensuring infrastructure development.


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