The cultural and axiological principles of the formation of nooeconomics as a way of organizing business are considered, where the category of value undergoes noumenal sublimation from the quantitative determinism of space and time and becomes a phenomenon of noospheric reality in the form of institutionally inclusive exchange prac-tices. These principles act as a synergo-synthesizing force to overcome the a apriori determinism of attractive wholes of the dominant type of culture in their dichotomous oppositions: monadic - cathedral, Logos - Archetype, profane - sa-cred, plebeian - cognitary, historiosophy - culture, market - symbolic exchange, culture of shame – culture of guilt, eschatology - the Great Return, industrialism - nooeconomics. The principle of sophistry, which determines the ontolog-ical novelty of the consumption value of the intellectual good of the nooeconomics, allows us to transform the eschato-logical determinism of the entropy of production systems of the material economics into the noospheric continuum of the third type of culture - the culture of conscience of the philosophy of the heart. The principle of the essentiality of the value of an intellectual product reflects the overcoming of the higher determinism of the material reality of the existence of the world - the substantiality of things, in particular the determinism of working time as a flow of energy costs, which allows us to talk about work as a substance of economic value. It is argued that in the conditions of nooeconomics, the substance of the value of an intellectual product, that is, the undifferentiated potentiality of the actual reality of every-thing possible, can only be the semantic vacuum of suppressed meanings of being, and not the noosphere, which is a continuum of the historically systematized experience of conscious reproduction of life, and not an impersonal multi-tude of spontaneous fluctuations of sensuality, that is, the noosphere is a manifestation of the presence of the Logos, not the Archetype. The gematric principle allows forming narratives of perspectives of paradigmatic projects of the fore-seeable future, using not only abstract signs of quantitative values, but also figurative allegories of existential and es-sential meanings of purposeful and expected existence in its congratulatory fullness - the sophistry of the Existing Log-os, which is demonstrated on the semiotic material of the culture of Ukraine.
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