The research of trade operations is necessary for every enterprise, because the sales market is the environment and at the same time the phenomenon that drives the scientific and technical development of the state, the competitive struggle of enterprises, the needs and requirements of consumers for products. The presence of the enterprise in the sales market is characterized by trends and volumes of increase in the production of commodity products. The purpose of this study is to reveal and substantiate the analysis of commodity products, taking into account trends and growth at the enterprise, provided that it is on the sales market in the state. It is the analysis of commodity products that shows the degree of implementation of the plan for a month and cumulatively for a year, which is formed by the marketing department of the enterprise. This plan is based on those changes, processes and phenomena that occur in the sales market in the state. To achieve the goal, we used the following research methods in the article, namely: the comparison method to determine the degree of actual implementation of the plan for each month; the decomposition method, intended for researching the impact of improvements in the scientific and technical level of the production process at the enterprise; the method of induction and deduction - to determine single and general indicators, which determine the impact of improvements at the scientific and technical level on the increase in the volume of production of commodity products. The scientific novelty of the article is the substantiation that the analysis of commodity products determines the need to adjust plans for the following months in order to ensure timely fulfillment of orders from buyers and concluded contracts. Scientific novelty is also the classified measures of the scientific and technical level, by which the enterprise provides itself with an increase in the volume of production of marketable goods. Therefore, the analysis of commercial products, taking into account the study of the impact of improvements in the scientific and technical level of the production process at the enterprise, is an important evaluation procedure for marketing. After all, further measures are established to improve the existing situation on the market, in particular, the reasons for non-fulfillment of the plan, especially of an organizational and technical nature.
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