Trading entrepreneurship can be interpreted as a type of economic activity that carries out commodity exchange and customer service, as well as other operations that ensure the sale of goods. It is of great importance in creating a competitive environment in the economy, adjusting the national economy to market rails, and performing social functions in society, because it brings goods to the final consumer. Thanks to the activities of business entities in this sector, a significant share of added value is formed, new jobs are created, and employment of the population in-creases. The problem of balancing production and consumption, traditional for our country, is largely solved thanks to trading entrepreneurship. Ensuring the effectiveness of trading entrepreneurship requires an adequate response to changes in the influence of external environmental factors, an accurate assessment of positive and negative trends in one's own industry, and the activities of competitors. The article examines the current state of trading entrepreneurship. The subject structure of wholesale and retail trade was considered; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, the num-ber of people employed in this field. The volumes of sold products and the effectiveness of the activities of such business entities were analyzed. Factors affecting the state of domestic organized trade are considered. The problems of internal trade caused by the full-scale war unleashed in Ukraine by the Russian Federation are investigated. It was determined that business structures in trade faced difficult tasks, such as the safety of staff and customers, restoration of destroyed stores and warehouses, change of logistics chains, formation of new supply channels, etc. Based on the results of the study, a conclusion was made about the need for central and local authorities to support the business entities of the industry, in the direction of further simplifying trade conditions, ensuring the operation of the trade facilities them-selves, assistance in setting up logistics, and providing trade employees with a deferment from the army draft.
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