Keywords: price, consumer price index, price monitoring, consumer set, weighting factor


All prices operating in the economic system of the state are interdependent and will form a system that is in constant development under the influence of a significant number of market factors. The price system is a set of in-terdependent and mutually determined prices in the economy, which enable all business structures to function normally and sell final products or provide services with maximum benefit. It is characterized by the types of prices, the nature of relationships and interdependence between them, the level, structure and dynamics of prices. Since the price is a dy-namic category, there is a need to monitor its changes. This function is fully taken over by the consumer price index, which makes it possible to objectively assess the dynamics of prices (tariffs) in the consumer market and occupies a prominent place in the system of indicators of price statistics. The article summarizes the theoretical aspects of the pe-culiarities of the calculation of the consumer price index in Ukraine in terms of the consumer set, analyzes the change in the consumer price index by the components of the consumer set in the Lviv region for 2015-2021, highlights the main reasons for price growth in 2022 and the main directions of state price monitoring during the period of martial law in Ukraine. It was concluded that price monitoring for the main groups of consumer goods is necessary and makes it possible to assess the level of well-being of the population, the main trends in the consumption of various goods and services, and to determine the direction of state policy in the field of prices for the future. Under the conditions of mar-tial law in Ukraine, the state regulation of prices for essential goods, food products, and medicines should be strength-ened. As long as the war continues, inflation on energy and food will be most acutely felt. After the war, when active restoration of the destroyed infrastructure, in particular housing, will begin, we should expect a rise in prices for build-ing materials and construction services.


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