Keywords: inspection, control, business activity, trade entrepreneurship, administrative barrier


The article studies and summarizes some theoretical approaches to the concept of administrative barri-ers, considers administrative barriers to entrepreneurial activity and the costs of overcoming them, including from the point of view of entrepreneurs themselves. In a generalized form, they are those numerous obstacles on the part of the authorities and administration that are associated with the need to comply with mandatory rules and procedures pro-vided for by laws and regulations that unreasonably restrict the freedom of entrepreneurial activity and complicate the creation and development of new business structures. It is substantiated that administrative barriers still remain an acute problem that can impede the development and normal functioning of the business sector. At the same time, in-spection is one of the forms of control, which includes a comprehensive examination (verification), assessment of the state, technological processes and results of the business entity, as well as research work that requires highly qualified persons who are able not only to record the state of affairs at the enterprise being inspected, but also to name the guilty persons in case of detection of certain shortcomings. The interpretation of the concept of administrative barrier suggests its definition as a set of procedures that a business entity must undergo in order to obtain the legal right to carry out entrepreneurial activity (the procedure for registering an enterprise, the process of obtaining the necessary licenses for the chosen type of activity, issues related to land allocation, as well as issues arising during the control and supervision of entrepreneurial activity). It is shown that the existence of administrative barriers in entrepreneurial ac-tivity leads to significant negative consequences. They lead to serious economic losses of society, both direct, expressed in price increases, and indirect, caused by underproduction due to inefficient use of resources; they complicate the use of other, more effective methods of public administration. In order to reduce the pressure of administrative barriers in the sphere of trade entrepreneurship, the ways and directions of their reduction are proposed, in particular, conducting an independent practical examination of existing regulatory legal acts relating to the inspection and control of entre-preneurial, trade and investment activities.


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