The article is devoted to the study of the process of forming diversification policy priorities in the system of development of corporate systems in trade. The purpose of the article is to determine the key aspects of the formation of the diversification policy for the development of corporate systems in trade. In the course of the study, the key aspects of the influence on the policy of diversification in the field of trade were determined and characterized, in particular, the dependence of diversification on the corporatization of the business structure, on the stage of the business entity's development life cycle, and on the level of activity transformation. It was determined that corporate systems in the field of trade in the process of forming diversification policy set different goals, taking into account the stage of growth of the business structure with an emphasis on the differentiation of tasks and priorities of business activity. It was determined that for a corporate-type business structure, for which trade is the main field of activity, the diversification policy will relate to the expansion of the range of businesses while preserving the parent business as a priority direction of activity. The article presents the author's development of an algorithm and decision-making criteria regarding the expediency and types of diversification of the activities of corporate systems in the field of trade. According to the algorithm, it is determined that after the first step - making a decision on diversification, business entities can make three strategic alternative decisions: on diversification and its types, on preserving and developing the existing business or on aban-doning it or investing in new areas of activity. The main criteria for choosing these alternative solutions are proposed. It was determined that the interrelationship of strategic aspects with the stages of the development algorithm of the diversification of corporate systems in the field of trade and the clear identification of priorities are key tasks. It is proven that the formation of strategic priorities for the development of diversification policy for corporate systems in the field of trade depends on the stage of the life cycle of the corporate systems development, which determines further directions for deepening scientific research.
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