Axiological determinism of economic systems of industrial production and nooeconomics is studied. The temporal and spatial modes of the economic value of material and intellectual production are analyzed. Nooeconomics is interpreted as an ontological project of ideational culture. To confirm this thesis, the following hypotheses are systematized: 1) technological project of zero marginal costs; 2) emancipation of the labor content of value from temporal determinism in intellectual production; 3) sociocultural dynamics of successive changes in the cycles of the dominant culture; 4) reanimation of the continuity of the sacred time of symbolic exchange in the conditions of nooeconomics over the profane time of market equivalent exchange; 5) sublimation of the guilt culture pattern in nooeconomics due to the spread of the ontological novelty of the value of the intellectual product, which is possible in the conditions of ideational, not sensual culture; 6) the service economy and its modern phase – the economy of impressions, is explained as the incubation period of the formation of the nooeconomics of ideational culture in the mental and institutional space of the passive and cynical phases of sensual culture, i.e. in the obscuration period of the dominance of sensual culture. The trend of emancipation of market value from the determinism of time as a condition of profitability (according to the labor theory of value) to the determinism of space as a source of income in the economy of impressions is traced. In space, the negentropic function of being is implemented by objects, not by temporal events that irreversibly pass. In the economy of impression, the effect of "gift-in-response" in the structure of symbolic exchange is implemented synergistically thanks to the constant sublimation of axiological continuity, inspired by the ontological novelty of the value of the intellectual product, capable of revealing the existential and essential meanings of the spiritual perfection of being. The interpretation of the trialectic structure of symbolic exchange (in contrast to the bipolar structure of market exchange) and the institutionalization of the methods of cognitive inclusiveness and the mechanism of distribution in the conditions of the neo-economics of ideational culture remain incompletely explored.
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