Keywords: information infrastructure, information policy, information security, information sovereignty, information threats


The development of the information society is based on the latest information and telecommunication technologies and communication facilities. The national information space is experiencing a new stage of development, related with integration into the world and European information space. The forming of an information society is based on the implementation of an effective information policy. Information technologies open up new unique opportunities for the development of the economy and raising the standard of living of society. Applied use of information systems makes it possible to improve the mechanisms of humanization and democratization of society, increases the level of well-being of its members, ensures economic growth and contributes to increasing the competitiveness of the national economy. At the current stage in Ukraine, there is no model for calculating the impact of information and communication technologies on the economy and spheres of life. The level of consumption of ICT products and services indicates the level of modernization of the country and the level of its productivity, efficiency and competitiveness. There are no official data on the coverage of the country's territory by digital infrastructures and the level of consumption of relevant services. For this purpose, it is important to identify and study factors of objective and subjective impact on the domestic information sphere. One of the directions is the analysis of the preconditions for Ukraine's entry into the world's information space and the necessity of identifying ways to improve the functioning of the information sphere. The article discusses the problems of forming the state information policy. Information threats to the national security of Ukraine and ways to ensure information security are analyzed. The perspective approaches to ensure the effectiveness of reforming the information policy of Ukraine are proposed.


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