The article examines the main aspects of the assessment of fixed assets in accounting. It was determined that the assessment is part of the accounting method, on the basis of which the process of determining the value of the object takes place. The regulatory legal acts that regulate the process of carrying out the assessment of fixed assets are listed. Asset valuation reveals the existing value of the enterprise's capital, its significance as a property system. The problems associated with the assessment of fixed assets include lack of regulation and consolidation of definitions of fair, residual value in legislative acts, differences in attributing costs to the original value of assets in accounting and tax accounting, etc., which violate the objectivity of accounting information. The article also lists and describes the types of valuation of fixed assets. The key ways of receiving fixed assets at the enterprise have been determined. Foreign researchers consider absolute assessment methods and relative assessment methods. Absolute value models evaluate assets based only on the characteristics of that asset. These models are known as discounted cash flow (DCF) models and evaluate assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate based on their future cash flows and the alternative cost of capital. Relative valuation models determine value based on observations of market prices for similar assets. Due to the complexity of assessing assets in the future, one of the most controversial issues remains the method of determining the liquidation value of fixed assets. The study of the considered sources of information suggests that domestic scientists are studying the concept of liquidation value, but there is still no unified approach to its definition. The methods of calculating the liquidation value proposed by leading economists are outlined. The article also defines the algorithm of actions for obtaining true indicators regarding the assessment of fixed assets.
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