Keywords: cultural diplomacy, public diplomacy, international communication, international image, national brand


Cultural diplomacy is a modern type of diplomacy, which becomes an important direction of state policy and contributes to the social, cultural and economic development of the country, and to the dissemination of information about it through the use of an attractive system of values and cultural heritage of the nation. The article considers the aspects related to the formation of cultural diplomacy. Cultural diplomacy as a tool of “soft power” is becoming a relevant direction of state policy due to the need of effectively resolving issues of national security, forming a positive international image, stimulating cultural and economic development, and establishing global communications. The article examines the French, British and German models of cultural diplomacy, as well as the specific features of the development of Chinese cultural diplomacy. An example of a successful cultural diplomacy conducted by Italy is described: the country uses the promotion of cultural values to strengthen its own competitiveness on international markets, contributing the development of scientific, technological and economic cooperation. Special attention has been paid to the promotion of the national brand Ukraine Now, which was officially approved by the Government of Ukraine and acts as a tool of public diplomacy for presenting the state in the international environment. The authors have emphasized that the need for Ukraine to position itself in the world through the use of a number of means related to the cultural sphere has become particularly acute due to the need to counteract the aggressive policy of the Russian Federation. The article considers the content of the Public Diplomacy Strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine for 2021-2025, which defines cultural diplomacy as one of the directions of public diplomacy and of the “soft power” policy, the purpose of which is to improve the recognition of Ukraine and its cultural diversity, to form a positive attitude of citizens of other countries to Ukraine. The strategic goals and objectives of cultural diplomacy of Ukraine are defined. The functions of cultural diplomacy performed by the Ukrainian Institute under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine are considered.


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