Keywords: tourism, tourism industry, tourism services market, tourist destination, tourism infrastructure, war, post-war period


The article examines the peculiarities of the functioning of the tourism industry in Ukraine during the Russian-Ukrainian war. It is noted that the war has become a difficult challenge for the tourism industry of Ukraine, which has just begun to recover after the quarantine restrictions years. The main obstacles to the normal functioning of the Ukraine’s tourism industry are analyzed. At the same time, the opportunities in the tourism sector of Ukraine are identified. After the end of the armed conflict, the issue of economic activity restoration in the post-war zones, as well as the tourism industry restoration at the national level will arise. Prospective directions for the restoration of the Ukraine’s tourism industry in the post-war period are proposed, namely: inbound and outbound tourism development; tourism infrastructure renovation; tourism activities institutional support; increasing the interest of foreign visitors to memorial routes and landmarks of the post-war period; marketing activities intensification to promote the Ukraine’s tourism brand in foreign markets; educational programs in the field of tourism development and improvement of existing ones, etc. The basis of the national tourism policy formation in the post-war period should be the detailing of the levers of regional development and public-private partnership. When planning the post-war tourism industry restoration, we should also take into account the experience of other countries, which also suffered as a result of armed conflicts. The war in Ukraine will undoubtedly force the entire tourism industry to rebuild, and after the end of hostilities new popular tourist sites and destinations will appear. Promising directions for further research in this area are identified.


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