The article examines topical issues related to the organization of enterprise management using information technologies. The purpose of the article is to determine the main trends in the use of information technologies to ensure the functioning of business. The article focuses on information technologies that are most suitable for an enterprise in crisis conditions. The relevance of the research issue is determined by the search for ways to ensure the possibility of the enterprise's functioning in crisis conditions. The relevance of this issue is confirmed by the significant interest of the academic community. In the course of the study, it was determined that for the organization of the enterprise's work in crisis conditions, information technologies must implement the tasks of information protection, remote work of employees as well as activation of sales and service provision processes. It was revealed that currently information technologies for information protection, organization of remote work of users and establishment and maintenance of relations with clients, increase in the scope of activities are necessary to ensure the company's activities. It is proven that the choice of a specific information technology by a manager depends on a number of criteria and the main ones are named. It was found that firewalls, authentication and authorization, data encryption, data masking as well as security brokers play an important role in ensuring information protection. In modern conditions, the remote work of enterprise personnel is possible with the use of videocommunication technologies and cloud technologies. Attention is also focused on the fact that in modern conditions, the increase in sales channels will be facilitated by the technologies for promoting products and services in social networks. It is argued that the success of many management processes depends on how the enterprise management process is organized in crisis conditions. A mechanism of anti-crisis management of the enterprise based on information technologies is proposed. Further research can be focused at reviewing the market of IT, assessing the possibility of solving a number of tasks that arise before managers to ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise in conditions of an external crisis.
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