Keywords: marketing, positioning, repositioning, market, product, brand


The problems of maintaining the viability of goods and services on the market remain quite relevant, as approaches to sales management, models of business philosophy as well as technologies that ensure the maintenance of competitive positions of goods are changing. The variability of the market environment undoubtedly affects the choice of purchase objects by potential consumers, their imitation of usefulness and importance for buyers. To maintain sustainability, various methods of positioning and repositioning of goods are used, which are considered in the article and make it possible to balance the main levers of the market - supply and demand. It was determined that it is possible to influence the subjective perception of the product so individual and general influencing factors are described accordingly. The article presents the main characteristics of the brand, analyzes their influence on the individual buyer’s perception and their interdependence with the subjective, acquired characteristics of the individual. Systematized tools for optimizing efforts for effective positioning of goods and services. The functions and main methods of product and service repositioning are analyzed, the consequences of applying such methods are determined. The list of effective levers of influence on the process of positioning and repositioning of goods is systematized, such as: a client-centric approach, analytical marketing research with an in-depth study of phenomena and situations, the use of modern marketing technologies in work, individual and specific contacts, universal content in social networks, personalized social networks, the use of devices, chatbots, product positioning through simulated enterprise development strategies with trending positions highlighted. It is concluded that the tools and technologies of positioning and repositioning of goods will change along with the evolution of society. However, the main indicators of market balance and individual, subjective needs of potential customers will remain basic, on which the level of goods and services competitiveness will strongly depend.


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