Based on the analysis of the theoretical provisions of the theory of communications, approaches to defining the concept of "image of a higher education institution" are considered. It was found that the image is mostly interpreted as an emotional perception of the subject's image in the minds of the target audiences. It was determined that the image is a powerful tool for achieving the goals of subjects in any field, including in the field of higher education. The target audiences of the image of higher education institutions are outlined: the forces of the external environment of direct action (applicants and their parents, students, state management bodies in the field of higher education, potential employers), internal target audiences (administration, scientific and pedagogical staff, actual students). It was found that the main directions of image formation in the field of higher education are: the image of higher education in general, the image of domestic higher education; the image of specific specialties / professions / educational-professional programs, the image of specific higher education institutions. The main components of the image of higher education institutions are defined as: the quality of educational services, the cost of training on a contractual basis, the image of higher educational institutions management, the image of staff, the image of higher educational institutions as an employer, the level of psychological and physical comfort of participants in the educational process, the image of students and graduates, the external attributes of higher education institutions and their style, image in the eyes of stakeholders, social image, media mention. The most important factors affecting the image of higher education institutions are outlined: factors influencing the image of the university in the eyes of those seeking educational services and their parents; factors forming the image of a higher education institution in the educational and business environment; factors shaping the university's image among state bodies; factors forming the external image of the university in the social sphere; factors forming the internal image among scientific and pedagogical personnel; factors forming the general image of the university.
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