Keywords: transportation, regional economy, state regulation of transportation infrastructure, spatial economy, development of productive forces


It has been determined that the regional aspect is the basis for creating an effective system of transport and economic links, and is also decisive for establishing the capacity, structure, development paths, and interaction of different transport sub-sectors. It is argued that the essence of transport and economic links lies in understanding them as a system of interrelationships and interdependencies between economic actors, which are associated with the movement of material components of production in order to optimize economic activity. It is demonstrated that the development of transport industries is directly linked to the economic activity and social development of regions. Therefore, the mechanism of interaction between these two spheres should be based on the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation. Taking into account the main function of transportation and its significance for optimizing transport and economic relations in the system of productive forces, which determines the efficiency of socio-economic development of the country and its regions, the main priorities of its development have been identified: ensuring interaction of all types of transport within a single transport system for the most complete and effective use of their potential; developing a modern and efficient transport infrastructure to accelerate the movement of goods and passengers, reduce transportation costs, and ensure stable economic and social growth of the country. This will also help to increase the competitiveness of national manufacturers and promote innovation, investment, and business activity; improve the accessibility of transport services, which will help to reduce constraints on the development of regional economic systems, meet growing transportation needs, increase the social significance of the industry, and expand throughput and transit capacities; enhance the efficiency of transit potential, which will ensure the competitiveness of the national transport system, integrate the country into the global community, expand opportunities for international cooperation, and increase the country's income; create an effective market for transport services and activate market mechanisms in the transport industry, allowing for the optimization of financial flows and efficient cooperation between transport sectors and regions. It has been proven that the level of development and distribution of productive forces is a result of the opportunities provided by transportation, as they are limited by the spatial interaction boundaries of the transportation infrastructure. On the other hand, the transportation infrastructure is an additional potential opportunity for socio-economic systems for their material and energy interaction. State regulation of the transportation sector is justified, which involves creating proper external and internal structures that form the necessary conditions for the development of a transportation system with high social significance. The main directions for regulating the transportation system of Ukraine are identified.


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