The article deals with the essence of the quality of freight forwarding services (FFS) and the logistical principles of its efficiency. It is emphasized that the transportation service in Ukraine does not meet international requirements for the quality of service. The level of development of the freight forwarding industry, the quality of services provided, the competitiveness of Ukrainian companies and their financial solvency lag far behind the global average, which leads to significant financial losses and negatively affects the image of the national transportation system as a whole. At the same time, it is believed that efforts to develop freight forwarding activities in Ukraine should be aimed at improving their quality. In this regard, the timely resolution of the problems of quality management of freight forwarding services is an important stage in the optimization of forwarding activities. It is shown that the basis for the allocation of several rather large groups of constituent elements of the feasibility study is the understanding of any system as a set of many elements that are in relations and connections with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity. And the problem of feasibility study quality management is one of the most important, related to the role of transport as the most important infrastructure sector of the economy. The way to solve the issues of feasibility study quality management is to ensure it, which is expressed in the effective management of the transportation process, which is a targeted impact on the organization of the use of tools and means of labor (vehicles) and on the behavior of personnel directly involved in the movement of goods or passengers. The market participants in the feasibility study have a rather limited database of carriers and even more modest experience in organizing transportation; they cannot cover the entire range of different options for cargo delivery for analysis, which does not always allow them to choose the most optimal transportation option. The existing system at the level of small freight forwarding companies operates on the basis of network marketing, but instead of attracting new participants from the outside, they are separated from the enterprises already existing in the market. The following interpretation of the concept of "quality management of freight forwarding services" is proposed, which means a continuous step-by-step interaction of the managing and managed subsystems (interaction of management entities) on a strategic, corporate, and educational basis, aimed at ensuring the quality of freight forwarding services.It is proved that the quality management of the FFS is projected to the lower levels of management, which affect the system of indicators and criteria for evaluating the performance of processes, structural units, activities of managers and staff, and also takes into account the formation of a development strategy and the goals of specific companies that carry out the FFS.
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